Extra Classes


  • Helps the little ones get used to taking instructions and following a routine.
  • Promotes physical fitness and gives a sense of well being.
  • Learning to dance at the preschool age helps with coordination and confidence in later years.

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Broadly speaking the word "Elocution" means the manner of speaking or reading aloud in public, with attention paid to pronunciation, grammar, style and tone. It is learning the skill to speak clearly and expressively.

It is very important that a child learns to speak and pronounce the English language at an early age. Correcting them when they are older is a difficult task as they would feel inhibited and lack confidence.

Very often, speech problems and issues of interaction in children can be identified at an early age and corrected by teachers rather than by parents. Children respond differently to teachers who are professionally qualified and trained to handle these issues.


  • Karate practice builds up their personality.
  • Karate practice instils discipline.

It is a fact that everybody needs physical fitness training. This is more so for men and women in today’s society.

  • Body stretching exercises.
  • Running.
  • Methodical breathing.
  • Mental concentration by moving eyes with the help of a ball.
  • It averts physical weaknesses and develop a soft and flexible body

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Every child should have the opportunity to learn music.

  • Music has been a part of the educational system of different cultures.
  • Music is more than an extra activity that is expendable.
  • Music has the potential to do the following;
    • Increase molecular energy.
    • Influence heartbeat.
    • Reduce stress.
    • Stimulate creativity.
    • Stimulate creativity
    • Stimulate thinking

Music has a positive influence on education.

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